If you have an interest in moving up in the company, having your projects approved, or simply enjoying a more pleasant working environment, consider taking a few minutes to learn how communication techniques, such as projecting an air of friendliness at work, can work to your advantage.
The simple fact is that people like others who they perceive to be like them. This translates into an ability to persuade others. You may not always be able to have others buy into your ideas completely, but when you communicate well, you can certainly have an influence on others' willingness to listen to you in the first place.
While some industries tend to attract a certain type of person, most workplaces are comprised of many personalities from a variety of backgrounds. This means that developing friendly communications in the workplace may not come naturally, but it's worth your effort to learn how to exude an air of approachability. If you are viewed as one of the friendly ones who communicates well with everyone (not a select few), others will naturally attribute certain traits to you.
How you communicate friendliness can occur in a variety of ways, from ensuring that you're well groomed to remembering names and helping others feel valued. Remember that much of our communication takes place non-verbally. Making the most of your appearance, for example, can go a long way toward improving others' perception of you. Studies show that attractive people are thought of as having more intelligence, friendliness, and are considered more trustworthy.
This is important, as trust is a big issue when it comes to asking others to support you in a new endeavor. When you combine simple methods of helping others feel important, they will trust you further. After all, people are the most comfortable with, and trust, those with whom they have something in common.
You can increase your perceptions as being friendly by making others feel important. This includes talking with everyone, no matter what their position in the company, and using people's names. If you're not good at remembering names, use some of the many tips available for remembering names, such as using associations or simply listening better and repeating the name during that first conversation so that you're more likely to remember.
When possible, help others reach their goals and meet important deadlines. This, too, goes a long way toward earning trust, and everyone benefits. When the company does well, everyone does well. Additionally, when you help others, they will help you in return.
Use simple communication techniques to help others feel more at ease. One such technique is the mirroring method, in which you subtly imitate the other person's body language, voice, and pitch. This technique works because it gives a very subtle impression that you and the other person are alike. It should not be anything overtly obvious; think subtle. If you're not sure how well you're doing, practice with a friend or trusted co-worker first.
When giving important presentations or when facing an important meeting, consider videotaping yourself to see how you come across. You may have some nervous habits that you aren't aware of, which can make you appear insecure. Additionally, you may use body language that comes across as shy or aggressive, when that is not your intention at all. Most of our communication is through non-verbal cues, so being aware of these communication distracters is important to conveying the desired message.
If you are the shy type, or not confident in your communication skills, keep practicing. Consider taking a workshop or working with a coach to develop your skills. Many business transactions are dependent on clear communication, and coming across as a friendly, trustworthy individual can go a long way toward your success and ability to influence others positive, mutually beneficial ways.
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