Friday, March 30, 2007

Yahoo Search Engine Is Still Helpful


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Although Google is all of the rage right now, it is important not to forget about the other search engines. I remember when the Yahoo search engine was absolutely tops, and even before that when it was all about Altavista. I wonder where that went anyway. It is strange to see that the Yahoo search engine has been completely eclipsed by other engines.

Guide To Search Engine Optimization. Guide to Obtaining a #1 Ranking in the Search Engines.

However, this is not all that completely true. The fact is that, because of metasearch engines, the Yahoo search engine is still important. Many people use metasearch tools, such as dogpile, and if you want your site to rank high, it can not hurt to rank high with yahoo and the other individual search engines. There are tools to increase your ranking in the Yahoo search engine, and if you run a web based business, they can be a very helpful aid to make your ratings soar like a bird!

Search Engine Marketing For Small Biz. The first search engine marketing e-book written specifically for small business owners.

Personally, I do not like the Yahoo search engine as much as I like Google There are real reasons for this. The fact is that Google is much better at sorting out spam and other junk and giving you quality hits than the Yahoo search engine is, and that's a fact. If you do not want to have to slog through a bunch of spam, you are probably just better staying away from the Yahoo search engine all together. No one wants to waste their time with that junk. That is why Google is doing so much better than Yahoo.

Tips! Looks up its huge database of web pages to find matches to search query, and ranks them in order of relevance.

I have heard somewhere that the Yahoo search engine actually allows people to pay money to increase their rating on the site. I am not talking just about advertising, everyone does that. Google has featured ads at the top, and it is no big deal. You can tell by the way that they are laid out that they are just ads, and some of them might actually be offering you what you want.

Google Search Secrets Uncovered. 34 step-by-step, on-screen video tutorials, perfect for new to intermediate Internet users.

But if you settle for the Yahoo search engine, it is a whole different matter. You will have to slog through a huge amount of paid ads that are cleverly mixed in with the legit results from the search that you performed. Although some of Yahoo's other services are pretty goods (Yahoo maps is the best direction service in my opinion) they just have a lousy search engine, and that is that as far as I am concerned.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

VoIP and Local Telephone Companies

History 1888 � Common battery system developed by Hammond V. Hayes, allows one central battery to power all telephones on an exchange, rather than relying on each units own battery.

With VoIP technology entering the mainstream, it brings the possibilities or huge profits for the companies that provide the service. The current promise of cost savings is driving more and more residential and business users to investigate this technology. But the local telephone companies are not going to give up customers without a fight.

There is a current mandate by the US federal government that all VoIP providers offer E911 service. The initial blocking of this information was with the public switched telephone network maintained by the major telephone companies.

History 1876 � Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, beating Elisha Gray by a matter of hours.

The next stumbling block is ‘naked DSL' or DSL access without local phone service. This service is rare, but without it a residence would not be able to use VoIP as their primary phone service mechanism. You see, DSL is running over your existing phone line provided by your local telephone company. Drop your local phone service and you'll probably drop your broadband DSL access as well. (Cable broadband access is a viable solution here and the increased cost in cable access should be offset by the reduction on your monthly phone bill)

History 1955 � Saw the beginning of the laying of transatlantic telephone cables.

These are just two fronts in the battle over VoIP. Should companies be compensated for the infrastructures they build? Should E911 service be ‘free' and offered as a public service? What about the existing phone service run into our homes? Who pays for those lines to be laid and hooked into the public switched telephone network?

There really are no easy answers to the questions above. The phone companies are not about to give up customers without a fight. They have years and billions of dollars spent in building one of the most reliable communications networks ‘currently' known to us.

Is VoIP the next step in the evolving communications industry? How will this play out with phone companies offering internet and TV services and cable providers offering phone and internet service? The line is being blurred and yet the technology pushes forward.

History 1911 � American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquire the Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks in the company covertly and the two eventually merged.

I don't have the answers, only questions. I know how I'd like to see it all play out, but alas, there is no Nirvana and no, it would seem we all cannot get along. Not when there's literally billions of dollars at stake. There will be winners and losers as this war rages on, but it is my hope that we, the end users, will, in the end, be better for it. After all, we've been down this path many times before and it's turned out ok.

Remember the advent of the PC and where we've gone since then? Remember the first bulky cellular phones vs. what's available today? Yes, TV's, radios, computers, phones the list goes on. Technology advances will continue to push us into new directions. I'm sure that in the end, VoIP will be as commonplace as the home computer.

History 1946 � Worlds first commercial mobile phone service put into operation. It could link moving vehicles to a telephone network via radio waves.

We can leverage this technology today in a cost effective manner. Like any technology how you implement VoIP will make the difference. Whether you're a residential or business user, there can be an immediate benefit. Check with your communications broker to find out if your existing phone needs can be met cost effectively with VoIP.

History 1900 � First coin operated telephone installed in Hartford, Connecticut.

The Full service broadband provider is a service offered by Try Right Technology, Inc. This service provides unbiased informative information on broadband technology as well as local/long distance and cellular service. Copyright 2005

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How To Find An Answering Service?

Tip! Also, read printed and electronic advertisements, you may find the perfect answering service that way. Some high-end services advertise in professional and trade publications.

There are three main ways to find an answering service, namely searching online, going through the telephone directory and word-of-mouth.

Searching online / Internet
An online search will reveal hundreds of answering services offering a number of options, but when searching, remember to check the online Yellow Pages as well. Many services will have their own websites listing their services, rates and areas covered. Finding offshore companies offering the services you are looking for will also be easier online.

Telephone Directory
The telephone remains a reliable source for finding providers of any service, answering services being no different. The printed Yellow Pages carry a lot of advertisements from these companies.

If you know a company or freelancers who use a service that you like, by all means ask them about it. Ask around at your professional organizations for recommendations.

Also, read printed and electronic advertisements, you may find the perfect answering service that way. Some high-end services advertise in professional and trade publications.

Tip! Whether you own a small business or a large corporation, an answering service could be the right option for you. Customers are usually very pleased to speak to a person who can give them the personal service they desire.

Regardless of the method used in sourcing an answering service for your business, it is important to know the following:

· Is the answering service staffed by trained personnel?

· How long the service has been operating, this doesn't mean a new company cannot provide good service, but depending on your business, experience may be important. Also, knowing how long they have been in business can be a useful marketing tool

· What other services are offered, for example, sales support

Ultimately, finding a good answering service will depend on the exact services you want, and the price you are willing to pay. Be prepared to go through a number of services to find the perfect fit for your purposes.

Tip! By using a live answering service, I am essentially getting extra employees that help spread the word about my company.
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Monday, March 26, 2007

Tips to Send Love Messages for Your Sweet Heart


Tips! Learn how to say "I Love You" as many different languages as possible.

If you've ever been in love you'll know that it can seem as though you want to shout it from the rooftops. Depending on where you live that might be a great thing to do, but if you live in a bustling city either no one will hear you or your neighbors will complain that you are causing a disturbance.

Tips! Bake fortune cookies that contain special "I Love You" messages.

There are many ways to express your feelings to the person you adore. You can do this in numerous different love messages. In fact the only limit is your imagination.

The standard method of telling someone you love them is by saying it to them. This is probably the most cherished type of love messages there is. Everyone wants to hear the person they love utter those magical words to them.

Make Women Laugh And Fall In Love. Secrets of attracting women with humor. Results guaranteed. Recommended by experts.

If you are a bit on the shy side consider written love messages. You could visit the local greeting card store and choose a card that expresses how you feel. But an even more meaningful sign of devotion is a hand written love messages. These can be in the form of a letter or perhaps even a poem.

Don't discount the idea of sending along a gift with your expression of love. You can purchase love messages on almost anything imaginable. A fun bouquet of balloons can display the word "Love" or "I love you." This is actually a nice way to send love messages to a person of either gender. Men will smile if they receive a balloon bouquet from the woman they love and of course women would just be tickled pink.

Singles: Attract Love & Build Wealth! Discover how to attract the love of your life and build wealth together as a team.

Scented candles can add a wonderful ambiance to a romantic interlude. They can also contain love messages. Some candles can be purchased that are wrapped in lovely paper that displays messages of adoration. These make perfect gifts for anniversaries or Valentine's Day.

A very unique idea for sending love messages is framing the words "I love you" in another language; or several languages. Many foreign languages are so romantic and for a woman to receive this would make her heart melt.

Bring Back A Lost Love! Bring back the Love of your life, no matter how hopeless your situation appears. Ends loneliness, ensures happiness.

If the object of your affection spends time on his or her computer consider getting them a special screen saver that displays love messages. One of the most popular allows you to program their name into the screen saver. This can be done with hearts or stars and is a wonderful way to show them you love them. Whenever their screen saver comes on they'll be reminded of the special spot they hold in your heart.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Web TV - Do More Than Entertainment


Tips & Tricks! Generally you can also (and in some cases must) edit and modify the text to make it unique. This is especially true if you have a private label rights eBook that grants you the rights to break it up into articles or pages as content for web sites.

Recent news reports indicating that popular Internet monoliths like Google and Yahoo are getting into the Web TV sphere has indicated a lot of interest. After all, these are two of the most popular search engines that rule the Internet.

And they, above all others, realize the value of content in this search crazy world. So if they are entering what has for long been considered a technology enabled dream, there must be something to I right? Several mainstream and trade publications have been reporting this as a trend, and as a fore runner of things to come.

Other Web TV specialists have been touting these developments or rather, announcements of Web TV developments as the one thing that will change the way we view the Internet. But it is and will remain a natural progression.

For when the web initially came on the seen these same specialists predicted the death of traditional print and television. We have all lived through that phase and have only seen both print and television survive and thrive. But Web TV has always existed in the realm of the possible.

Tips & Tricks! The first way to increase your link popularity is to include keywords in your hyperlinks. When you submit to web directories, the links you submit should not only lead to your site, but also should possess themed keywords within the links.

The technology available earlier was insufficient to create and sustain Web TV content. But more people have broadband connection today than five years ago. More people are streaming and receiving interactive web content than ever before. Most regular TV broadcasters have web exclusive websites.

And all of this comes together to make Web TV much more than mere fantasy. Web TV today is a realization of a dream that the today's interactive technology has made possible.

One of the biggest players in the newly emerging Web TV market is the media conglomerate Microsoft. SMNTV is the Web TV arm of this large corporate and have been inventing several innovative concepts to bring Web TV and Web TV content to your home. MSN Web TV is capable of integrating video, audio, e-mail and even text messages, and bringing them onto your regular television set.

Tips & Tricks! Creating Graphics Images - A web design will always need custom-made graphics images. For example, icons for a Shoe section, button for submitting information.

You can surf for the latest and the best entertainment. You can use the large screen display of your television monitor to access, read and send e-mail. You can surf online, shop and even search the Internet and its vast content from your regular television. You can also view and share photos, indulge in instant messaging, and use your television as a networking tool.

What's more! You can also enjoy music and video downloads that are Windows Media player compatible on your regular television set. Your good old television, which has been getting better and better in any case, can now be a super-charged, turbo television that does a whole lot more. All it takes is a set top box, a regular internet connectivity plan and you are set to blast on to the Web TV world! This interactivity is what makes Web TV the most hyped invention around.

Tips & Tricks! Turn part of your web site into a members' only web site. Instead of charging for access, use it as a free bonus for one of your products.

Several Americans are already enjoying the benefits of Web TV. Websites like, and several others already offer a wealth of information on Web TV and on-demand TV in the USA and other parts of the world. Music, news, sports and several other "channels" of choice are already available as Web TV content and it is only time before other channels crop up. So, why stay out of the loop. Discover how you too can be a part of the Web TV sphere today!

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Friday, March 23, 2007

How to Answer Job Interview Questions?


Tips! First, check your motivations for being in your career. Success is the result of skills, actions, and choices.

Job interviews are just one of those things you're probably going to have to face at some point or other in your life. If you're reading this, I'm guessing you're facing one soon. While I'm certainly not an expert about how to act in a job interview, I've been on so many that I feel I've become very comfortable with the art of how to answer job interview questions.

If you've never been on a job interview and are wondering how to answer job interview questions, here's some advice from me to you. First of all, lie. Lie like crazy, don't ever tell them anything that remotely resembles the truth. Also, talk really fast and a few octaves too high; that way they won't really know what you're saying but it'll sound important.

Tips! Have a strategic plan for your career; include timelines. Share your goals with your boss; let him know you are working to be promoted.

If you can, master a language your interviewers don't know, and answer all their questions in that language. I've found that Swahili is a good language, as not many interviewers speak it and it generally sounds good. If you don't have time to learn a new language, just make one up.

This method on how to answer job interview questions is sure to work. If your interviewers for some reason become agitated, its probably because they're so excited about your potential. Generally, a proper response to agitation in your interviewers is to stand up and do an impression of some farm animals. I prefer roosters, but that's just me.

If you actually follow any of the above advice on how to answer job interview questions, that'll be just a little less competition for me. In all seriousness, it isn't as hard as you think to answer job interview questions and sound good. The most important thing to do is prepare ahead of time.

Tips! Crafting Your Transition Plan. Out of your testing comes a clear path where you can set a specific new career goal and create the strategy and steps that will get you there.

Practice answering typical job interview questions to yourself several times before going in; job interviewers can tell if you are unprepared and it just doesn't look good.

When you answer job interview questions, definitely be honest, and look your interviewers right in the eye. Good eye contact conveys confidence, which is something you definitely want to convey. Rely on your own natural conversation skills when you answer job interview questions rather than trying to sound a certain way.

I certainly don't mean use slang or swear words, but just talk like you would with someone you just met at a party. Your interviewers are just people, and will respond to you like any other people will.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Learn About Computers Just Surfing The Web


Tips! Do not turn on the computer! Make sure it is unplugged! While you may be anxious to see if your computer can run, don't do it if you know it's been exposed to water. You'll just end up causing more damage if you do.

Did you know that you can learn about computers just by surfing the web? These days there are a number of cool sites that help to inform adults and children alike. I make time to help my seven year old daughter learn about computers. This helps her with school and future projects. She already knows what a gigabyte and hard drive are. Just yesterday she learned the difference between a PC and a Mac.

Tips! Nothing you are donating to the computer recycle program should be more than five years old.

How much do you know about your home computer? Actually, how much do you understand about computers in general? This is a concern that everyone should harbor. We use these super machines on a daily basis, and it only increases as time moves forward. PCs and Macs have become a crucial part of our daily routines, and to suddenly be without them would send us all into turmoil.

I hate to even think about it. Since we all rely on these multi-talented innovations so often, it's prudent to better understand the way they function. In fact, not only should we take the time to learn about computers, but we should also take the initiative to teach our children.

Tips! Clean up your program files, delete and uninstall unwanted programs on your computer. Go to control panel>add remove programs.

While these are just simple things, every bit helps. Before you know it, your child will have great knowledge of today's computers and be ready for any task that lies ahead. Contrary to what some parents think, I encourage my children to spend some time on computers.

I not only want them to understand how they function, but also be privy to the dangers that go with the Internet now days. You can never be too safe. With the help of some informative children's websites, my daughter has become knowledgeable regarding computer basics and Internet use.

The Complete Computer Training Manuals. Unlimited printing step-by-step computer training manuals. For instructor-led and self-paced learning. No renewal fee.

Do your children learn about computers in school? This is one of the prime places to acquire computer knowledge. I am amazed at how much they already do with computers in the first grade. Just to think, we didn't even have computers back then.

Even though children do learn about computers through school, I try and make sure my little ones understand what to stay clear of online.

This is something every parent should consider. With the abundance of foul web sites and predators lurking throughout cyberspace now days, you can never be too cautious. Be sure to learn about computers as best you can, and share the pertinent knowledge with your kids.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Phone Answering Service

Tip! The first thing cautious shoppers look for on unfamiliar websites is the company's contact information. Because I use a live answering service, I can be sure that my customers will always get through to someone when they call in to place an order or ask questions.

The goal of most phone answering services is to offer top-notch technology with premier customer service. These services will usually customize their business to fit your needs whether it is basic message taking, service dispatching or medical communications. The staff of the phone answering service must be professional, friendly and able to give and receive accurate information.

Phone calls are vital to the success of any business, and when you're not their to take a call, you need to be assured that the answering service you select knows your business inside and out and can make a caller feel that they are dealing with someone within your company. The staff should be highly skilled answering service professionals that can handle the information you provide them to inform customers who call.

If you're thinking about starting a phone answering service, it is very easy to do. There is not a whole lot of start up costs, and all you need is a pleasant voice, and a willingness to learn all there is to know about the companies you are servicing. You will need a phone line for each of your clients that will run you somewhere around $200 per line and $50 of less for the phone rentals.

You can also purchase your own phones. The average fees for service are $50 - $60 for 60 to 100 calls. This is a fee for answering calls, and any other services like paging, etc. are extra. You'll need to advertise your services by either calling potential clients or placing small ads in local newspapers. You can also place flyers around town in markets, colleges, medical facilities, etc.

Tip! Just about any business can benefit from an answering service; however, there are some that will benefit more than others. Construction workers and other general contractors need an answering service because their job could depend on it.

Key to the success of your phone answering business is you must have a good speaking voice and excellent grammar.

Phone Answering Service provides detailed information on Phone Answering Service, Live Phone Answering Services, Free Phone Answering Service, Local Phone Answering Service and more. Phone Answering Service is affiliated with Collection Predictive Dialer.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Do's and Don'ts of Launching a Small Business Website

F.Y.I. Some websites need to be 'fun' because that's what their target audience is looking for. But every business website needs to be professional�even fun or crafty ones.

Launching a small business website can seem like an enormous task ,although it does require some research, if done right it might be just the marketing tool your business needs. The road to a website is filled with website designers, website developers and graphic designers. This in itself is very confusing. A website designer is someone who produces the design.

A website developer is someone who creates more of the program side to your websites rather than the actual design. Nowadays most website designers are also developers. A graphic designer is the person who makes the images at the top of web pages, the buttons, and menus on a website. The whole process should not be so difficult and full of surprises. Therefore the 6 Do's and Don'ts should be a great start to help you launch your small business website.

F.Y.I. This guide to launching a small business website is just the tip of the iceberg. The best thing is always know what you are going to receive in return for your hard earned cash.

Don't concentrate on images and how pretty your site will be. Remember that your sites' purpose is to answer your customers questions and inform your customers of what you have to offer, such as services and products. Don't use too many images because if your site is so "new age" a lot of people will not be able to navigate and find their way around it therefore they will get frustrated and not stay on your site and that would defeat the sites purpose.

F.Y.I. Improves searchability of your business website, thus increasing the chances of prospective clients visiting your business website.

Don't compare web designers by their price. Not all web designers are created equal. You must not only compare the price but the type of service you will require such as internet marketing and updates, will they continue to create the site until you are satisfied, and can they write the content.

Some designers will create you a site and mail you a CD with the files and you will then have to figure it out on your own how to get it on the web. Others will help you choose a domain and a hosting company, upload your files to your site, and will write your content. Writing on the web is different from writing in print. A good content writer will know what to say to keep your visitors on your site. Keep these things in mind when choosing a web designer.

F.Y.I. Every time you do, you will increase your home business website's pagerank and link popularity that much more.

Don't hire a web designer until you are ready. Once you are finished shopping around for a web designer, do make sure you have purchased a domain name, hosting, have a general idea of what you would like your site to look like and written your content, if you will be doing this yourself. This is important!

Web designers work virtually, that is directly on-line (through the Internet). You might not actually ever meet them. This style of work is very different from working face to face and have times set up as to when you will meet. It actually benefits you, the designer can get your website on-line faster. Therefore it is important for the web designer to have all your information. If they have to wait a week or so for you website content then you will be pushed to the back burner.

F.Y.I. Your business website represents your business. If your site looks amateurish, people will think you're an amateur.

Do request a quote from a few web designers before you decide on one. Once you have looked at some websites find a few who you like and request a quote from them. Explain that you are interested in a website, explain a little bit about your business, how many pages would your site need and what are other services you would need from them.

Ask them to send you a price detailing what would be included. Understand that this is a quote and if you are requesting any other additional services there will be an additional cost although designers will usually let you know beforehand.

Do plan on keeping your site up-to-date. Keeping your site updated keeps your customers coming back to either find out what's going on with your company or about new promotions or sales. It also gives your customers the impression that you care about keeping them informed and that you value their business.

The benefit of having a website is it's easy to update and don't cost much. Usually a web design firm will have special packages for updates. Find a designer who also can provide updates and when your site is finished discuss an update schedule and what they can suggest to keep your site looking fresh.

F.Y.I. It sounds simple enough, but it's not really as cut and dry as you might think. Most business websites have a marketing value attached to them that is difficult to quantify.

Do find a designer who specializes in small business. Small design firms understand the needs of another small business and are more likely to be more personal with your questions. A big design firm might have 5 people working on your website and they might not all have gotten the e-mail that stated what you want. Whereas a small design firm would have one person working on your site with whom you communicate directly.

This guide to launching a small business website is just the tip of the iceberg. The best thing is always know what you are going to receive in return for your hard earned cash. Make sure that your website is like an investment and that you are actually going to receive a return on your investment. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions! Most designers will answer most of your questions, no problem.

Alicia Harper Be Seen Web Design Read more Articles by Alicia

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Five Principles of Effective Communication

The problem with communication is the illusion that it has occurred. George Bernard Shaw

I'm sure this has happened to you: a colleague has just done the exact opposite of what you wanted him to do. How can that be, you ask yourself. I told him exactly what I wanted. Yes, maybe you told him but did you check that he was listening, that he understood, that he agreed and that he would carry out the required action? Obviously not. The first principle of effective communication is to get appropriate feedback.

Tip! Sidestep absolutes - right/wrong, bad/good. Statements like 'you always' or 'you never' are absolutes that hinder communication.

The second principle of effective communications is to really connect with your audience. It is a fallacy that the mere sending out of information is a communicative act. It isn't, especially in the current climate where everybody is drowning in information that overwhelms on us all fronts.

To connect with your audience you need to address their different needs as partners because communication is a two-way process. You have to decide what you want the outcome of your communication to be: are you trying to inform, persuade, shock, praise, criticize, shame, please, inspire?

Whatever your aim you need to plan your message, and the medium for the message, to trigger the emotional and cognitive responses that will ensure you engage your audience. And how do you know you've done that? By getting the appropriate feedback of course.

I learnt this the hard way. As part of the induction for new staff, I used to produce a manual containing all the operational information they needed. As time was always short, I would go through the headings with them and tell them to study it at their leisure.

But nobody ever did. I was constantly bombarded with simple questions that were addressed in the manual. But it was my own fault. I should have set up a properly interactive session and followed that up with subsequent opportunities to study and discuss the information.

Tip! Punishment should fit the crime. A sure way to discourage and even shut down communication is for a child to feel fearful that in their communication something will surface that may result in harsh punishment.

The third principle of effective communications is to listen and understand first. Don't send out a message until you know what your audience needs. If you are concerned about the quality of somebody's work, for example, don't jump in and issue an official warning.

First find out what the employee's perception is. Use active listening skills to really probe the situation. Reformulate the employee's words, for example, echo the last words of their sentences, invite them to say a little more if they are hesitant. That way, if you discover the family has a seriously sick child or a big financial problem, you will start to understand what is behind the poor performance. You can then decide on the appropriate action.

Tip! Workplace communication is necessary for getting along with each other at work, create synergy with co-workers, give and receive instructions, and to overcome differences, tensions, and conflicts.

The fourth principle is to understand that communication is more than the surface meaning of words. You need to be able to interpret other people's messages. This is just another form of feedback. Let's say you make an announcement and your group is discussing the information with you.

They may feel inhibited about disagreeing openly, but read the signs because you don't have to be openly aggressive to show disagreement: note the body language, the kinds of words they use, the tone of voice.

Somebody who is receptive will give you eye contact, will lean forward and will participate by asking questions, or offering to assist in some way. Those who are not in favour will look elsewhere, maybe fold their arms, use vague language instead of precise terms.

Tip! Knowing how to improve communication skills will come easier once you become aware of your own communication style.

The fifth principle is respect. I don't want to go over the top here because you may well ask who is she to question the behaviour of the world's leaders? But it seems to me that many of the international political problems we experience are the result of lack of respect for the other party.

Sure, it would be great if other nations didn't want to develop nuclear weapons, if they had democratic governments, if they weren't religious fanatics. But we don't produce good outcomes by taking the view that western leaders know best. To communicate with those we want to persuade, we need to respect them.

Just because they don't agree with us, doesn't make them inferior or wrong. They have cultural backgrounds and histories that have led them to a particular course of action. Only by respecting that hinterland can we expect to make progress towards cooperation.

To translate that to the workplace, you will only gain the cooperation of employees if they know you respect them. If you base your communications on lies, if you try to mislead people, if you ignore their needs and rights, they will see that you don't respect them and they will lose respect for you.

Tip! When your child is sharing something important to them shut up and listen. It is easy to turn off communication if you are always interrupting (even if you know where the story is going), or offering advice before he/she has completed their account of the details.

So where does all this lead us? Simply to the point that if you are having communications problems, you can now start analyzing where you are going wrong. What sort of feedback do you allow for? Do you understand how to appeal to people's emotions, their reasoning powers?

Do you understand what makes your audience tick? Have you tried to find out about their real lives and what is important to them? And are you showing lack of respect by trying to hoodwink them? By addressing these questions as fully as possible you will go a long way towards improving the outcomes of your communications.

Tip! Increased staff retention and workplace communication.

Brenda Townsend Hall is a writer and communications trainer and an associate member of the ITAP International Alliance ( She will shortly launching a website with a partner:

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Use your Computer to make Cheap Long-Distance Telephone Calls

History 1877 - The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. It stretched a distance of just three miles.

What is ‘VoIP'?

Simply put, VoIP refers to the carriage of voice signals over the Internet. PC to Phone VoIP refers to using your 'Internet-connected' computer to make calls to conventional telephones around the world. Whereas traditional telephone calls take place over fixed line ‘circuit switched' networks, VoIP calls are routed through the Internet using a far more efficient method known as ‘packet switching'.

Whilst carrying voice data more efficiently via the Internet is a benefit, the main advantage that VoIP has is one of cost. For example, a typical PC to Phone VoIP call to a telephone in the United States from anywhere in the world generally runs at just a few cents per minute. Keep in mind, the clarity/quality of PC to Phone calls is usually as good and in many cases better than that of a comparable Phone to Phone call.

History 1918 - was estimated that approximately ten million Bell system telephones were in service throughout the U.S.

How can it be so cheap?

Herein lies the beauty of PC to Phone calls. By using the Internet to route your calls, long-distance charges imposed upon you by the major telecommunications companies (Bell, Sprint, AT&T, etc) are all but eliminated. Furthermore, many of the governmental levies and fees associated with using the highly regulated ‘traditional' telephone networks are also avoided. The result? Extremely cheap, long distance calling to conventional telephones around the world with little or no loss of call quality.

History 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, beating Elisha Gray by a matter of hours.

So how does it work?

In a typical PC to Phone call, your computer receives your voice input via a microphone and then translates your voice into a ‘data packet'. This packet of data is then transmitted via the Internet to as close as possible to the physical destination of the telephone you're calling. Your voice ‘data packet' is then switched to the conventional telephone network and routed to the phone that you are calling. All of this data transmission, translation and switching takes place transparently and extremely quickly. Chances are that the person whom you're calling would have no idea that you're talking to them using your computer.

So what do you need?

In order to start making long-distance telephone calls using your computer, you'll need a computer that's connected to the Internet, a microphone and speakers (a headset with a boom microphone is ideal). It's worth mentioning that although there are several companies that support both the Linux and Macintosh platforms (e.g.,, the vast majority of PC to Phone software is designed for use on Windows' compatible PCs. As far as your Internet connection goes, the faster the better (e.g., high speed Cable or ADSL). However, PC to Phone does also work on dial-up Internet connections (the way I access the Internet).

History 1911 - American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquire the Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks in the company covertly and the two eventually merged.

The next thing to do is choose a PC to Phone Service Provider. These are the companies that provide the software and infrastructure necessary for you to make calls to conventional telephones via the Internet. There are many Service Providers and each have their own benefits and rates so it's a good idea to shop around. Almost all of them allow for pay-as-you-go usage (i.e., on a per minute basis) however some also offer unlimited calling plans to certain destinations for a low monthly fee. Some of the better known Providers include

History 1936 - Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

Once you've chosen a Service Provider, you'll need to open an account and deposit funds into that account. If you're reluctant to use your credit card online, many of the PC to Phone companies offer alternative forms of payment (e.g., PayPal, direct deposit, wire transfer, etc.). Next, you'll need to download the ‘softphone' application from your service provider. A softphone is merely the interface program through which you dial the number of the person you're calling and usually only takes a few minutes to download on even the slowest ‘dial-up' Internet connections.

Softphones generally resemble the keypad on conventional telephones and work in much the same way. Depending on your service provider, the manner in which you ‘dial out' will vary. Typically, the softphone will take into account where you are in the world and adjust the dialing settings accordingly. In other words, you'd dial the exact same series of numbers into the softphone that you would if you were using a conventional telephone.

History 1900 - First coin operated telephone installed in Hartford, Connecticut.

Once you've made a few calls to friends and family around the world using your computer, you'll quickly realize the fantastic cost advantages of making ‘PC to Phone' calls versus ‘Phone to Phone' calls.

So what's the catch?

Whilst PC to Phone is terrific, it isn't perfect. There are some disadvantages that you should be aware of and these include:

History 1955 - Saw the beginning of the laying of transatlantic telephone cables.

a) Quality: If you access the Internet via a ‘dial-up' connection (i.e., through a normal telephone line), you may experience call quality degradation if you are surfing the web and talking to someone via PC to Phone at the same time. In other words, the ‘bandwidth' or ‘capacity of your Internet connection' may be limited and this could affect your calling ability.

History 1874 - Principal of the telephone was uncovered.

b) Echo: If you're using computer speakers to hear the person you're talking to, that person may hear an ‘echo' of their own voice. This happens for reasons similar to that encountered with the ‘speakerphone' function on conventional telephones. At the same time as you hear that person's voice coming through your computer speakers, your microphone will also detect the voice and re-transmit the signal back to the person you're talking to. This ‘echo' can easily be avoided by using either a computer headset or by turning your speaker volume down so as to minimize the chance of your microphone picking up and retransmitting the incoming voice signals.

History 1946 - Worlds first commercial mobile phone service put into operation. It could link moving vehicles to a telephone network via radio waves.

c) Cost: If you're calling relatively small and/or remote countries, you should check the rates of the PC to Phone Service Providers' to those countries before signing up for their PC to Phone service. For example, calling a country like Fiji in the Pacific Ocean is almost as expensive using PC to Phone as it is using a conventional telephone.

The reason for these high rates to certain countries is usually due to the PC to Phone Service Provider not having the necessary switching equipment (required for switching your call back to the traditional telephone network from the Internet) physically located in that country.

In these scenarios, your calls are routed through the traditional telephone network for a good proportion of the distance they travel and as such they attract many of the long-distance charges that the traditional networks impose. If you'd like to call one country in particular, it's definitely worth shopping around to find out whether prospective PC to Phone companies have the necessary switching equipment located in that country (and hence, can pass on the savings to you in the form of cheaper rates).

History 1888 - Common battery system developed by Hammond V. Hayes, allows one central battery to power all telephones on an exchange, rather than relying on each units own battery.

So give PC to Phone a try. You've really nothing to lose and have the potential to save yourself a lot of money.

Nathan Smith

Nathan is the operator of - a directory of PC to Phone and free PC to PC VoIP Service Providers. Nathan currently resides in New Brunswick, Canada

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Influencing and Communication

Tip! There must be integration between internal and external communications There must be a fit between what you are telling your people and what you are telling your customers, shareholders and public. (By the same token, there must be a fit between what you are telling your people, and what the external media are telling them.

If you have an interest in moving up in the company, having your projects approved, or simply enjoying a more pleasant working environment, consider taking a few minutes to learn how communication techniques, such as projecting an air of friendliness at work, can work to your advantage.

The simple fact is that people like others who they perceive to be like them. This translates into an ability to persuade others. You may not always be able to have others buy into your ideas completely, but when you communicate well, you can certainly have an influence on others' willingness to listen to you in the first place.

While some industries tend to attract a certain type of person, most workplaces are comprised of many personalities from a variety of backgrounds. This means that developing friendly communications in the workplace may not come naturally, but it's worth your effort to learn how to exude an air of approachability. If you are viewed as one of the friendly ones who communicates well with everyone (not a select few), others will naturally attribute certain traits to you.

Tip! Good communicators are fully aware of the reciprocal nature of communication which is a process of giving and receiving a message. Good communication is a like a dance which entails leading and following.

How you communicate friendliness can occur in a variety of ways, from ensuring that you're well groomed to remembering names and helping others feel valued. Remember that much of our communication takes place non-verbally. Making the most of your appearance, for example, can go a long way toward improving others' perception of you. Studies show that attractive people are thought of as having more intelligence, friendliness, and are considered more trustworthy.

This is important, as trust is a big issue when it comes to asking others to support you in a new endeavor. When you combine simple methods of helping others feel important, they will trust you further. After all, people are the most comfortable with, and trust, those with whom they have something in common.

Tip! Improving communication and essential feedback mechanisms that allow employees to communicate with Managers.

You can increase your perceptions as being friendly by making others feel important. This includes talking with everyone, no matter what their position in the company, and using people's names. If you're not good at remembering names, use some of the many tips available for remembering names, such as using associations or simply listening better and repeating the name during that first conversation so that you're more likely to remember.

When possible, help others reach their goals and meet important deadlines. This, too, goes a long way toward earning trust, and everyone benefits. When the company does well, everyone does well. Additionally, when you help others, they will help you in return.

Tip! Workplace communication is necessary for getting along with each other at work, create synergy with co-workers, give and receive instructions, and to overcome differences, tensions, and conflicts.

Use simple communication techniques to help others feel more at ease. One such technique is the mirroring method, in which you subtly imitate the other person's body language, voice, and pitch. This technique works because it gives a very subtle impression that you and the other person are alike. It should not be anything overtly obvious; think subtle. If you're not sure how well you're doing, practice with a friend or trusted co-worker first.

Tip! See if you can find a measure to show how successful your communication is in your business.

When giving important presentations or when facing an important meeting, consider videotaping yourself to see how you come across. You may have some nervous habits that you aren't aware of, which can make you appear insecure. Additionally, you may use body language that comes across as shy or aggressive, when that is not your intention at all. Most of our communication is through non-verbal cues, so being aware of these communication distracters is important to conveying the desired message.

Tip! Some control over the flow of the communication should be applied.

If you are the shy type, or not confident in your communication skills, keep practicing. Consider taking a workshop or working with a coach to develop your skills. Many business transactions are dependent on clear communication, and coming across as a friendly, trustworthy individual can go a long way toward your success and ability to influence others positive, mutually beneficial ways.

Communication Magic. The Amazing Formula for Communicating straight from the Heart in your relationships.

Top Briefings provides an easy way to access business know-how on the web. If you are short of time, want to be able to browse information at your convenience then visit this link for details:

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Communication Skills: How Effective Are Yours?

Tip! Sidestep absolutes - right/wrong, bad/good. Statements like 'you always' or 'you never' are absolutes that hinder communication.

Your communication skills are one of the most important attributes that are on trial every time you apply for a job.

Whether it's written or verbal communication, you need to get your point across clearly, concisely and in a manner that is appropriate for the audience.

Let me highlight the biggest mistakes I've seen job searchers make with regards to their ability to communicate.

Written Communication Skills

A big turnoff is having to read written work - emails, cover letters, resumes for example - that are poorly written, generic and full of various errors. When I see that a person has subpar written communication skills, I immediately become worried about my chances of helping them with their job search because it is a skill that is very noticeable to hiring managers very quickly.

Tip! Interpersonal communication to know one another, to become friends, to discuss problems, to exchange thoughts (ideas), to make plans, to get and give help, to mutually help each other change attitudes and behavior.

It should go without saying that a resume and cover letter should have no spelling or grammatical errors whatsoever but what about email?

With emails dominating much of the written work that people do these days, it is important to understand how to effectively write emails. When it comes to emails that you send related to your job search, ensure you get your message across as briefly as possible while still maintaining a professional tone.

Tip! Increased staff retention and workplace communication.

Before you send an email always ensure there are no typos, run-on sentences and other grammatical errors that make your correspondence look unprofessional. Always use a subject line that indicates the specific purpose of the email. If you are applying for a job and have already included a cover letter and resume, you don't need to rewrite your cover letter again in the body of the email. Simply state the reason for the email and refer to the attached cover letter and resume.

Communication Magic. The Amazing Formula for Communicating straight from the Heart in your relationships.

Always treat your business emails as professional business correspondence that is just as important as your cover letter and resume.

Verbal Communication Skills

The most effective verbal communicators are those who can get their point across professionally, succinctly, and clearly. When I say "clearly" I am referring both to speaking clearly and getting your message across clearly.

When speaking verbally, some people speak quickly when nervous so try to pay attention to ensure you speak slowly to avoid being unintelligible. Also ensure you don't ramble on. Answer questions as briefly and succinctly as possible. Practice does make perfect.

Tip! Knowing how to improve communication skills will come easier once you become aware of your own communication style.

Also, always ensure you actually get your message across clearly. The best way to ensure this happens is to plan ahead. Don't try to "wing it" when doing interviews, presentations or other forms of public speaking. Careful preparation will help you ensure you know what you're talking about and will make you more likely to be able to speak comfortably without trying to memorize everything.

How Can You Improve Your Communication Skills?

Look for opportunities to communicate verbally and in written form that will help you improve your business communication skills.

Some people can improve their communication skills with practice. Certainly, I've found that I've gotten better at public speaking as I've gotten older and I quite like doing it now.

Tip! Use simple language: Stay away from big words and unnecessary jargon. Big words can complicate the message or intimidate your listener causing communication to break down.

In cases where practice isn't making perfect, consider looking for help. Toastmasters organizations can help you improve your public speaking and professional writing courses can really help to improve your ability to write effectively.

Carl Mueller is an Internet entrepreneur and professional recruiter. Carl has helped many job searchers find their dream career and would like to help clear up some of the job search myths that exist while helping job searchers avoid common job search mistakes that cost them jobs.

Tip! See if you can find a measure to show how successful your communication is in your business.

Visit Carl's website to find your dream career:

Ezine editors/Webmasters: Please feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your website. Please don't change any of the content and please ensure that you include the above bio that shows my website URL. If you would like me to address any specific career topics in future articles, please let me know.

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Zero Cost Methods To Boost Your Business Marketing And Cut Your Costs Using Your Website

F.Y.I. A business blog can do the SEO magic when it is embedded to your business website. Business blogging needs discipline to write every other day to bring potential customers to your business website.

I Offer These Ideas As A Business Website Owner Who Uses Them

Think of this article as a letter from a friend who maintains a website for his own business, and wants to share with you some time/cost-saving methods he employs - at zero cost - to get more value from his website.

The Following Tools/Methods Can Make Using Your Site Easier/Less Expensive

In considering the resources featured here, you should keep in mind the fact that your ability to use them on your website may be determined to some extent by the type of web hosting package/functions you have purchased from your host. For those whose web hosting packages do not permit the easy use of these tools, I describe the very useful alternative of Remotely Hosted CGI Scripts and Resources towards the end of this article.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that I provide descriptions of the resources featured in this article for your information only. I cannot guarantee they will meet your requirements in any way.

There are many other scripts that do similar work available on the net. I have only described these ones because they are the ones I use - or have used.

F.Y.I. Keep in mind that your business website should be a place that represents your business in the proper way. Most businesses can do more harm than good when elements of flash and heavy elements are introduced into their website just for the sake of being there.

If you choose to download and use them on your website, you will be doing so at your own risk. I have however used them all at least once, and currently use most of them/have done so for over 2 years - which is why I can recommend them.

1. Automated Website Membership Subscription Management

Resource: Membership Manager LITE Source:

Membership is a feature that allows visitors to your website become members by completing a simple registration web form. Registered visitors will subsequently be able log in to restricted areas of your website using login details they would have specificed when signing up. You can even have two or more levels of membership(for instance Free/Basic and Paid/Premium).

Using this feature, you can enable your website provide member specific content like special offers, articles, email newsletters, and other interactive content. Offering membership on your website will definitely set it apart from many others which do not.

F.Y.I. It sounds simple enough, but it's not really as cut and dry as you might think. Most business websites have a marketing value attached to them that is difficult to quantify.

One nifty CGI script I have found quite useful to easily and securely offer membership on my websites is called Membership Manager. This programs uses HTACESS browser based login authentication(regarded as the most secure form of password protection on the Internet) to protect your restricted members-only directories from unauthorised access.

Membership Manager, comes in two variants - LITE(Free) and PRO.

A. It allows the owner to use a control panel to administer user accounts of members (who will also be on their automated newsletter mailing list).

F.Y.I. Owning your own small business website also makes it possible to sell your goods and services online.

B. The members have login ID and Password of their choice automatically used in creating a website membership account for them when they signup.

C. Paid Subscription Management is possible. If someone has paid for one year access, you can setup a 1 year member account access to a password restricted members area on your website where some premium content may be accessed.

D. Also, the system at the expiration of the 1 year subscription period, automatically disables the appropriate member's account - and notifies the member and the owner.

E. In the PRO version, members can automatically retrieve lost passwords using a link provided on the site.

You can download the 30kb zipped folder containing the LITE version of the script from and follow the very useful installation instructions provided in the accompanying "Setup Instructions" HTML file.

2. Dynamic Website Contact Forms

Resource: All Purpose Form Handler Source: http://www.BigNoseBird.Com

This is an amazingly flexible/customisable script that allows a user to quickly implement HTML based forms on different parts of a website. It is configured by information you provide in the form itself, giving the user a unique advantage of making the script handle data submitted in the web forms in a variety of ways without changing knowing ANY Perl programming or having to change the code/script.

F.Y.I. Make existing customers come back again and again With your business website you can easily start collecting information like customers mailing and e-mail address. Then it will be extremely easy to send out newsletters or postcards with your new products, special promotion and sales, etc.

The following can be done in any combination using forms that call the SAME script:

A. Web form completed by the user submits an e-mail to a specified person(s) - say the website owner - and CC to say other employees(e.g. marketing manager), or even another email address used by the owner.

B. The EXACT text of the title that appears in the subject line of the email the script sends to the site owner, can be specified in the code for the web form. This makes it very easy for you to know which contact form on your website was used to send you EACH message you receive.

F.Y.I. Your business website represents your business. If your site looks amateurish, people will think you're an amateur.

C. The script sends the data submitted via the web form to a file for easy import into a database program. You, the owner will be able to locate the file(s) on your server in the cgi-bin.

D. The script automatically sends a response to the person who submitted the form. The content of the response can be varied for each web form. This is made possible by creating a text file(given a unique filename extension) to contain your message whose name you then place in the form code, so it is used by the script.

F.Y.I. Every time you do, you will increase your home business website's pagerank and link popularity that much more.

E. The order in which the data submitted via the web form appears in the email received by the website owner can be specified in the code for EACH web form.

F. The completion of required fields can be enforced by specifying such fields in the code for individual forms.

G. To increase user-friendliness, code for each form can be modified to call a unique "Thank you" or an "Oops!" page after the form is submitted.

How I Use It: I have found this script extremely useful in determining quite accurately what people who visit my website are interested in. For instance, on my website, I created a separate contact form(all outwardly similar) for EACH of the different services I offer, providing links to each web form from the body of text/web copy where the service is described. This way, I am able to quickly establish, from the title of the email sent by the script, exactly which service the enquirer was considering when s/he decided to contact me.

F.Y.I. If you're seriously looking to grow your small business, remember that your business website is not built for your personal enjoyment. That's what personal websites are for.

3. Tell-A-Friend Automated Website Referral Form

Resource:'s Birdcast Site Recommendation Script Source: http://www.BigNoseBird.Com

This is a very simple, yet powerful script that you can use to help promote your site. Easy to install, and to customize. It has a number of very useful features including the following:

1. Name/Email Address fields that can be duplicated for an unlimited number of target recipients per recommended page.

2. A multi line text entry area for the user to send a personal note with the e-mail.

3. Automatic page recognition (i.e. the script inserts the full url of the page being recommended in the e-mail that is sent).

4. Automatic Return to sending page (i.e. the script returns the user to the recommended page when upon successful submission of the form's contents.

4. Domain validation. An editable line of code in the script allows the website owner specify whether this feature is enabled or disabled on installation. You would enable it to prevent it being used from any other website/domain other than yours i.e. protection against off-site abuse (Also available in the all purpose form handler script described above).

F.Y.I. This guide to launching a small business website is just the tip of the iceberg. The best thing is always know what you are going to receive in return for your hard earned cash.

5. E-mail address and page capture log. Once the script is in use, you will be able to periodically check a log file of date/time, calling page and e-mail information automatically generated and updated by the script on your server. This can be quite useful if you want to know who is referring what page on your site and to whom.

F.Y.I. Wishing you success in advertising your Internet Business Website.

4. Form For File Upload From Web page To Server

Resource: Upload Lite Source:

This script works via a file upload form to allow anyone upload files to a folder on the website server. When this happens, the owner of the site automatically gets an "Upload Notification" email with a download link(s) which can be clicked to instantly download the file(s). The website visitor, who uploaded the document is in turn taken to an upload success confirmation page that you can customise. For instance, on my website the confirmation page displays a "Thank You - Your submission has been accepted" message.

Possible uses: The owner can invite job applicants to upload their applications and resumes using this form. A magazine publisher could have contributors/writers send in their write-ups(in various possible electronic formats(.pdf, .doc, .rtf etc) from any location in the world so long as Internet PCs are available.

How I Use It: On my Excel Heaven Custom Workbook Automation Mini-site, an upload form is provided to enable clients upload workbooks they want me to automate for them using Excel Visual Basic.

F.Y.I. The number one difference here is the copy. A small business website needs to be a life support unit for its unique selling proposition or USP, not a contestant in this year's flashy foo foo web design award contest.

5. File Mailing (Alternative to direct downloading)

Resource: MailFile Original Source: Latest Version Available At:

MailFile lets you require visitors to submit their name and email address in order to retrieve a file(s) from your site. It is a CGI script that works via a form which allows visitors to choose(by clicking checkboxes) specific documents from your site to be sent to the email address they specify in the email address field of the form.

When the form is submitted, the visitor is taken to a "File(s) sent!" page while the selected file(s) is sent to the visitor via the email address s/he provided. Apart from the fact that this method prevents third-party linking of your files, you also get to use the retained names/email addresses to build a mailing list with which you can follow up visitors for possible sales.

F.Y.I. Now you should see that a goal of your small business website is to be found when someone does a generic search for a local business that offers the goods or services you provide.

The script can also be useful when you want to give your busy visitors a time saving alternative to downloading.

Corporate visitors to your site, whose mails are stored on the company mail servers will find this particularly useful.

Here's why. Assume a busy executive - with only 5 minutes left to attend an important meeting - discovers your site's offering of five interesting PDF reports totaling 13 MB in size.

S/he can easily choose to use the MailFile web form's checkboxes to select the files and click the "Send File(s) To Me" button. All the selected files will be delivered to his/her mail box on the company's servers, and s/he would be able to return to view them without going back online at a later time or date.

There is no limit to the number of files that can be sent using this form. Additional checkboxes only need to be added to the form, and the appropriate filenames included in the form code.

F.Y.I. Many individuals find it difficult to promote a professional business over the vast expanse of cyberspace. For that reason, your e-business website is a critical tool in showing your customers and clients exactly what you offer.

Similar Resource: File Mailer Source:

Related Resource: Attachment Mailer Source:

6. Get Your Target Audience Discussing On Your Site - Discussion Boards/WebLogs

You can install a discussion board(where people can register and discuss various topics in "discussion forums") on your website. You can also use it to provide first level user support/problem solving services to customers.

For instance an IT/Telecoms company can invite customers to post questions or requests for help regarding problems they have with specific products/services supplied or supported. Answers will then be provided by the appropriate personnel online saving time/cost of going out - until it becomes absolutely necessary to visit the client physically to resolve the problem.

Some web hosts offer a discussion board as part of their hosting package. Most of the popular ones are however FREE to download/install, (being open source), two good examples being: PHPBB at and YaBB(Yet another Bulletin Board) at . I have successfully installed and used phpbb in the past, and found it quite user-friendly.

F.Y.I. So, do not think that just because you have a small business website that it is working hard for you. Just like any other employee, you have to keep paying month after month for it to be productive.

Web Logs: My website host offers an easy-to-install phpbb board in my control panel, which I intend to install on my website in future. I however do not currently use a discussion board on my website, due to my decision earlier this year to discontinue its use, in line with a modified strategy. In its stead, what I use is a web log. I like to think of a Web LOG as a dynamic website which functions as an online diary allowing the owner make postings on any subject of interest, which her visitors can in turn read, and post comments on/responses to.

My personal web log facility is provided as part of my website hosting package. In hunting for a web host, you might look out for a similar feature, if you consider it relevant to your purpose. You can however get a more or less equally functional but FREE blog to use at

F.Y.I. Some websites need to be 'fun' because that's what their target audience is looking for. But every business website needs to be professional�even fun or crafty ones.

7. Automated Business Marketing CDROM Promos

CDROM promos are a one-time expense, and they cost a fraction of what a decent newspaper advert does, while offering more targeted impact to the "right" prospect for a longer period. They are less expensive and you can mass produce them. I personally recommend the use of auto-run business marketing CD ROMs as an offline complement to other business marketing efforts/resources.

You can get excellent software for creating auto run business marketing CDROM presentations from a variety of sources on the net. One that I have used, and can heartily recommend that you try is CRE:8 MULTIMEDIA. This software enables you to create very impressive auto-run business marketing CDROM presentations quickly and easily. It has a very user-friendly visual interface, and easy-to-understand HELP documentation that enables users begin producing professional looking presentations in minutes. You can download a FREE 21 day trial from

8. Article Syndication

Article syndication is an excellent way to attract new visitors to your website, while at the same time boosting your credibility as an authority in your area(s) of expertise.

F.Y.I. Your business website gives your customers access to your business 24/7 with very little or no increase in overhead costs. Even if you don't have an online catalog, having your information available allows the customer to at least look at their convenience.

One place you can post your articles and be reasonably sure(if they offer useful real-world relevant information and are well written) of widespread syndication is

Other options you can pursue of course exist, such as visiting and manually posting articles to different websites offering related content to yours or using automated article submission services - some of which are FREE.

You can also contact publishers of e-zines and online newsletters, who deal with target audiences similar to yours, offering your FREE articles for publication in their media or on their websites, in exchange for exposure.

9. Website RSS Feeds

RSS, stands for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary". It is an XML standard that is used by content owners(e.g. newsletter/website publishers) to distribute content to their target audience. Many companies today have RSS feeds that announce latest content updates made to their websites.

Visitors to your site can use either the content aggregator built into their My Yahoo! Page, or other RSS news reader software to retrieve and read the feeds.

F.Y.I. Reach more customers Having your business website will enable you to reach potential customers not only in your neighborhood or city but also nationwide and even worldwide. Your website will open never before seen horizons for your business.

Important Notes About CGI/Perl Scripts

Some of the tools I have described in this article are third party CGI/Perl scripts(files with .cgi and .pl filename extensions), which you may need to clear with your web host before using on their servers. The installation of these scripts requires some basic familiarity with server types, setting of file permissions(via CHMOD'ING), Perl scripting among others.

F.Y.I. A small business website increases your marketing options.

CGI Scripts Installation : Usually, to run CGI/Perl scripts, all you need is any executable folder ( cgi-bin ). Some of the scripts can even run in any folder. I suggest however, for ease of management, that you use a cgi-bin.

CGI Scripts Configuration : All the scripts require you to configure them before uploading to your server, though some have additional settings that will have to be specified AFTER uploading usually via a control/admin interface or panel. You can re-configure, re-upload and overwrite the scripts as may be necessary.

Typically you would open the script in a text editor(I use notepad, and sometimes wordpad, when text wrapping is a problem in the former). If an edit facility is provided in your web host's control panel/file manager interface, you can also use this to make /save changes you want online post-installation. This latter option makes it unnecessary to re-upload the modified script.

CGI Scripts Upload: If your host has provided you a file manager interface in your control panel, you will be able to use that to upload the scripts. Alternatively there are a good number of nifty FTP - File Transfer Protocol - tools like CuteFTP(, and SmartFTP (

F.Y.I. So, the actual price for your small business website development effort will depend on the purpose for your site. And, once you decide on a purpose, you will negotiate with the website development provider for all the features that support your purpose.

These FTP clients work in "auto" mode by default, making it unnecessary for you to have to set them to upload your scripts in ASCII mode, and your images or pre-complied programs in Binary mode. I suggest you refrain from changing their default settings except you know what you are doing.

Keep in mind however that whatever manner of upload you employ, you will still need to set file permissions(via CHMOD'ING) for the scripts and the files/folders they will be located in or working with.

Find Someone To Do It - If Necessary

Even if you cannot spare the time to learn to do it yourself, you can easily find someone appropriately skilled to do it for you. Also, your website host should be willing to provide you any information you may be required to verify/obtain in order to successfully install the scripts.

Can't Run CGI/Perl Scripts On Your Site? Here's An Alternative That Works!

Remotely hosted CGI scripts/resources(some of which are FREE) are available for those who may find they cannot use some of the tools described here directly on their websites. One very good service, that I used for over a year prior to purchasing a complete hosting package, is offered by Black Fire Networks at

F.Y.I. In the end, your business website is well worth the time and money you have invested in it. Essentially serving as the face of your e-business, your website should portray the main goals and objectives of your business.

Not only do they provide you access to free, customisable, remotely hosted scripts, but they actually do so with ZERO advertising. So, if you have designed you website, but lack access to a cgi-bin via your web hosting package, this service might just be for you. Among other things, you will be able to make your website dynamic, so it has a more professional"feel" to it, without spending any additional money.

F.Y.I. You can add all this information, and more, to a simple small business website.

Summary - Use A Combination Of Methods On Your New Or Existing Website

The best part of all the tools, features and strategies/methods described here is that you can have them integrated - at ZERO cost - into an existing site or added to a new site from the start. Either way, you get to maximise the potential value you expect from the website.

To get the best results in today's marketing, one will often need to use a combination of methods. Using your business website in conjunction with a well thought out marketing strategy, facilitated in implementation by custom, value adding automation/features will increase your chances of marketing success, while ensuring you do not spend more than you need to.

F.Y.I. When your business website represents YOU, it doesn't hurt to show a bit of personality. One way to inject more personality into your business website is to reveal yourself.

This article's recommendations can be summarised in form of the points outlined below.

a. Ensure "action-inducing"/"response-generating" web copy is written on your website, to effectively communicate the unique benefits you offer.

b. Develop and implement a web marketing strategy to ensure you maximize returns on your investment, by (i) making more of the right kinds of people visit your site (ii) seamlessly integrating your offline and online marketing efforts in such a way that they complement one another.

F.Y.I. Improves searchability of your business website, thus increasing the chances of prospective clients visiting your business website.

c. Make it easy to implement your web strategy for the long term, by incorporating zero/low cost automation tools on your website, and adopting value-adding features/methods. Examples include email marketing, article syndication, and information product publishing(ebooks etc).

Do the above, by adopting a suitable mix of the specific tools, methods and strategies featured in this article, and you should be able to clearly achieve one or more of the following: INCREASED sales and/or REDUCED expenses on marketing/advertising - which in turn will help you record reasonably stable or INCREASING profits.

F.Y.I. The successful marketing of your business website should NOT be taken lightly.

This article is one of twenty-five(25) contained in Tayo Solagbade's Ebook titled "25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepeneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often".

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a Multipreneur, helping individuals/businesses develop and implement strategies to achieve their goals, faster and more profitably. Download your copy of his 25 Articles Ebook from You get full reprint rights for each article.

Visit Tayo's Creative Business Solutions(CB Solutions) mini-site - - to learn how you can get affordable Freelance Writing, Rapid Website Design/CGI Automation, Website Marketing Strategy Development and Custom MS Excel VB Spreadsheet Automation Services.

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