Having an email account is almost a necessity in today’s society. Almost everyone has at least one email account. Some people choose to pay for the service, but if you really shop around and do a little research, you will find many ways to establish reliable free email accounts. More than one free email account will help you organize your messages into categories for fun, work, friends and of course, unlimited imagination.
There are many ways to set up a number of email accounts free. I make sure to have at least two working emails and it is important to have free email accounts when you have more than one. I chose to use Hotmail as one source of getting email accounts free and I was very pleased with the service at the beginning. However, later I noticed that other competitors' email services are better than what I had, so I opened another email account from them too. Needless to say, a free email accounts with Yahoo and of course received one from my high-speed cable Internet provider.
I use my Hotmail free email account for most of my routine email, which I have used to. This is a great place to do a lot of online shopping and more casual interactions. I chose a fun name for this free email account because it relates my general attitude about the messages that come from my Hotmail account; fun and light-hearted. This free email account was a good choice for casual interactions because it has a wonderful Anti Spam feature that really weeds out unwanted Spam. The Anti Spam feature puts possible unwanted email into a junk folder firstly.
My Yahoo free email account was created for communications that are more serious. I use my Yahoo email account to communicate with my online learning instructors and for many in-depth freelance writing assignments. This free email account has a more serious, professional user name and it fits my general attitude about the messages that are sent from my professional free email account; diligent and proficient.
This free email account does have a good Anti Spam feature that puts possible junk mail into a bulk mail folder too. One thing for sure, this Anti Spam feature is necessary in email service. If you have an account that does not supply this feature, please scream and run to another better service provider, nowadays probably Google Gmail.
Another place that I turn for free email accounts is my high-speed cable Internet Service Provider. My cable company offers free email accounts to its customers and it is a wonderful place to keep messages for friends and family without mixing up with all recipients.
Hardly anyone knows my email address from the high-speed cable free email account, so I rarely have any messages and virtually no Spam. If I have unsolicited visitors to my free email account provided by my cable company, I would still be protected with the company’s Anti Spam feature that weeds out unwanted junk mail.