You can buy a pay as you go phone or so called "Prepaid" plans at any of your favorite dealers. You can shop around and find out which one has the best pay as you go prices or you can buy from the dealer that you know has the best quality and top technology. You can also buy pay as you go phones used or buy online and find great prices. No matter what your budget is, you can find a price to match it.
Pay as you go phones have all the technology of any other cellular phone and more of the freedom. Pay as you go phones have internet capabilities, text messaging, call forwarding, roaming abilities, games, and some even have phone cameras! Their reception is high quality and they come in many designs to suit everyone's needs and styles. No matter what you're looking for, you can find a pay as you go phone that suits your needs.
Cell phones are every where these days, no matter where you look. Technology is constantly expanding and cell phones are being made for every type of consumer, students, parents, and even for kids. Often pay as you go phones are over looked. Some think they just aren't as good as being on a plan but there are many advantages to using a pay as you go phone.
One advantage to a pay as you go phone is the fact that there is never a contract involved. No 24 month plans and no bills to pay, give you more options and the flexibility that suits your lifestyle. This can be ideal for students whose income can change from month to month.
If you find yourself particularly strapped one month, you don't have to be tied down to a bill that you'd sooner put aside for a short time. With a pay as you go phone, you can simply put it aside temporarily until your financial situation has evened out. Then, you simply put more money onto the phone and you're ready to go again.
Pay as you go phones are also ideal for the parent who simply wants to keep in touch with their child and their child's school or day care. As a single parent with a full time job, I used to worry about what would happen if something happened to my child and they had to reach me while I was in transit.
How would they reach me? While I didn't want to be tied into a plan for a phone that I was only going to use on rare occasions, I did want to be available if I was suddenly needed by the babysitter or other care givers. A pay as you go phone gives me the opportunity to be available for my children and gives me peace of mind.
So, next time you think you can't afford a cell phone or are resisting being tied down to a plan and a monthly bill, start looking into buying a pay as you go phone. Give yourself peace of mind, freedom, and access to all the latest in technology.
To learn how to slash down your overseas and even local calling costs to 3 cents per minute with Voip integrated to your cellular plan, whether prepaid or post pay, please visit International Phone Call Article located at The Answering Machine website.