Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Affiliate Website Business

F.Y.I. This guide to launching a small business website is just the tip of the iceberg. The best thing is always know what you are going to receive in return for your hard earned cash.

With Affiliate Marketing emerging as a 95 billion dollar industry and growing you might have to adjust and build your sites faster. One of the keys to affiliate marketing is that you need a solid website builder in order to achieve results faster. Since the search engines take 3-9 months to achieve any solid rankings that means that your site might need some cpc advertising or you just simply wait. So while you are waiting why not keep building? That's right keep building affiliate websites because with this game the topics are endless.

If you use website builders like frontpage or others that take a lot of time also do not really consider the search engine proper construction method unless you know what code to add and how to code the HTML. This can be the downfall for many affiliates as they play this waiting game and have been taught wrong building a site that was not build correctly in the first place. This can be eliminated by using a website builder that takes care of the critical backend coding for you.

F.Y.I. When your business website represents YOU, it doesn't hurt to show a bit of personality. One way to inject more personality into your business website is to reveal yourself.

One of the things that makes affiliates so successful is to have the ability to populate links fast. With a website builder software this can be achieved quickly as link population is a large part of the game of achieving ranks and keeping them. The more sites you have the more money you will make as an affiliate marketer. So keep building and make lots of money.

F.Y.I. A small business website increases your marketing options.

Gregg Makarowski - Is a Search Engine Expert as well as successful entrepreneur and writer.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Guide to Buying a Website Business on Ebay

F.Y.I. Keep in mind that your business website should be a place that represents your business in the proper way. Most businesses can do more harm than good when elements of flash and heavy elements are introduced into their website just for the sake of being there.

So you've seen all of those appealing listings on eBay for websites that promise a living from doing almost nothing. Now I've seen countless people buy these things and I dont know why. In real life, if a person came up to you and promised everything like that you would naturally figure it to be a scam and not pay attention to it. So why don't people do the same on ebay? It's because these auctioners are crafty, they often times provide you with tables of potential sales and usually state things like "If you just make 5 sales a day, you'll earn $3900 a month!". This is what ropes most people in (and by most I mean inexperienced or first timers). Little do they know that getting 5 sales a day is a feat.

Unestablished Sites

F.Y.I. This guide to launching a small business website is just the tip of the iceberg. The best thing is always know what you are going to receive in return for your hard earned cash.

Go ahead, go on ebay and search "website business", infact heres a link to the search if your too lazy:

Website business search on ebay. Now if you check out most auctions on that search I just linked to, you'll see that most do exactly the things I said, they'll include a "potential" profit table and not much else other than lines and lines of bragging about how their market is huge etc.(which is actually a bad thing, which I'll explain later).

F.Y.I. Your business website represents your business. If your site looks amateurish, people will think you're an amateur.

Very few of those auctions will say how many visitors they currently get, or more importantly they wont state their conversion ratio. Sites that aren't currently getting any visitors or sales are called "unestablished" meaning that they aren't marketed at all, which means once your suckered into buying one of these sites, the sole burden of marketing (believe me, its a heavy one) will rest on your shoulders.

F.Y.I. Improves searchability of your business website, thus increasing the chances of prospective clients visiting your business website.

Before I go on, I must say one thing, most auctions now include the word "established" in their title just to attract people, often times this is not the case. These sites are NOT established, what they mean when they say "established" is that the site is merely set up, which doesn't really mean anything.

Cookie Cutters

Most "unestablished" sites I mentioned before that you will see on ebay are most likely "cookie cutters". What are cookie cutter websites? They are sites merely "generated" by someone slapping a different domain name on a template. That means they'll take a graphic image, stuff it with the same content and just slap on a different name for example one being which looks exactly the same as another one the seller is auctioning off like Buying a cookie cutter site is a sureshot way of failing in the online business world (and its what most new people do).

F.Y.I. It sounds simple enough, but it's not really as cut and dry as you might think. Most business websites have a marketing value attached to them that is difficult to quantify.

Diluted Markets

One thing I mentioned before was sites bragging how huge their market is and how everyone else is doing what their website is doing. Now, experienced webmasters know that this means stay away, why? Because if a thousand other people are selling what you are selling, then why would they even care what you sell? Markets with too many sellers selling the same thing wont turn you a big profit.

As counterintuitve as it sounds, the more specific your service or product is, the better. Sites that are unique or sell a unique product are called niche sites. A highly targeted niche product will do two things, one, it will ensure that the people who are likely to buy your product will only have you to turn to and two, you will be ranked much higher in the search engine because you'll be the only one or one of the few to sell what you're selling.

F.Y.I. When your business website represents YOU, it doesn't hurt to show a bit of personality. One way to inject more personality into your business website is to reveal yourself.

What you ARE looking for

So you know what to avoid when you look towards eBay to buy your own web business. Well what do you want an auction to have? The answer is basically the opposite of what I've said so far, you want auctions that state upfront the number of visitors to their site in the current month or last month etc. You want a auction where the seller states the conversion ratio of the website (how many people actually bought the product out of the people who visited) and also you want the seller to be open about how much money the site makes (not "can" make). Also be sure that the site is not a cookie cutter and is actually unique in its design. Follow these guidelines and chances are you'll certainly end up with a good profit turning website on your hands.

F.Y.I. Owning your own small business website also makes it possible to sell your goods and services online.

Pradip Patil is just a guy with his own page and some advice to give (good advice). Check out his page at

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Will VoIP Make the Telephone Ring?

History 1877 � The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. It stretched a distance of just three miles.

As a large proportion of people worldwide are increasingly favouring the Internet as a means of communicating with others, it should come as no great surprise to see it being adapted to encompass that other technological marvel of our age, the telephone.

History 1900 � First coin operated telephone installed in Hartford, Connecticut.

Once again, the Internet has taken another step forward in its evolution, this time with the arrival of voIP (voice over Internet Protocol). By using the Internet as a signal carrier, this system allows users to make and receive free or cheap telephone calls anywhere in the world. Whilst voIP is still in its fairly early stages, it is however showing all the signs of being a huge success.

History 1955 � Saw the beginning of the laying of transatlantic telephone cables.

Apart from a computer, there is only a minimal amount of equipment required to access this service. Users would have to route calls through a voIP provider,then what is needed is a fast connection such as broadband together with a telephone and voIP adapter and you're up and running. Calls are then made and received in the normal way.

This latest technology whilst advancing the capability of the Internet even more could simultaneously be signalling the onset of a decline in conventional telecoms companies, who may find that they will have to adapt rapidly to keep up and compete in what could turn out to be another communications revolution. There are at present quite a number of voIP providers already in existence who have obviously seen the potential in this system and taken early action to be a part of it from the outset.

History 1936 � Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

Is it a possibility then that the telephone could become the number-one method of communication again and eventually gain superiority over email? One of the main attractions of email is the fact that apart from the standard ISP charges it is otherwise free to use. It is therefore hardly a shock that since its inception email has relegated the art of letter writing to third place with the telephone only just above it as a preferred communication medium.

History 1876 � Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, beating Elisha Gray by a matter of hours.

So, is all that due to change with the arrival of voIP? Will free or cheap telephone calls compliment or outstrip email usage in the next year or two? That remains to be seen. To the far-sighted among us, voIP is a natural progression that was bound to happen sooner or later. To the rest of us it is an exciting new concept that will not cost a fortune to operate, a benefit many will welcome with open arms.

There is however, a certain amusing irony in the fact that as the very system that contributed to the decline in telephone usage, the Internet could now turn out to be the biggest aid to its revival. The constant growth and ever-increasing abilities of the Internet has most of us asking the question, how much further can it go? As far as our imaginations will take us, would for the time being be as good an answer as any.

History 1888 � Common battery system developed by Hammond V. Hayes, allows one central battery to power all telephones on an exchange, rather than relying on each units own battery.

This article is the property of the author and may only be reproduced in its original form.

John Sheridan is a professional proofreader of hard copy items and website copy. He also writes web copy and occasionally accepts small copy-editing assignments. He can be contacted via:

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Download Google Toolbar Free to Block Popups & More

History American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquire the Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks in the company covertly and the two eventually merged.

The Google Toolbar is a free software download available from Google. In the words of Google, the Google Toolbar leys you "Take the power of Google with you anywhere on the web. The Google Toolbar will integrate with Internet Explorer to provide seamless access to Google as well as some very useful tools. The Google Toolbar is now available for Firefox as well.

History Principal of the telephone was uncovered.

The Google Toolbar started out basic and has grown and expanded its features. The basic feature of the toolbar is the ability to do Google searches from the toolbar without going to the web page. The search bar will remember your last searches and will allow you to choose (just like on the web page) if you want to search the web, images, the current site and more.

History First coin operated telephone installed in Hartford, Connecticut.

One very pleasant feature on the Google Toolbar relates to its searches. There is a highlight button on the toolbar that when pressed will highlight your Google searched words on the current web page.

The Google Toolbar also offers a popup blocker which is easily adjustable to allow a singe popup when needed. You can also, with a click of the mouse permanently allow popups from a web site that you trust.

There is also an Autofill feature available on the toolbar. You can store information such as your name, address, email and phone number. When you come across a web page that needs this information, the Google Toolbar can fill in the information with a single click of the mouse.

History Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

Additionally, there is a button that allows you to move up levels on a web site. This allows easy access to index and home pages if your Google search took you a page embedded deep in the web site.

There seem to be new features popping up with the Google Toolbar. Today, the Google Toolbar includes features such as a spell checker that will check your typing when you are entering data on various web pages. It also includes a word translator that allows you to translate a word into other languages. Another recent addition that is currently available for US users of Google is the Autolink feature that provides automatic links to maps from street addresses.

History 1918
It was estimated that approximately ten million Bell system telephones were in service throughout the U.S.

There is a page rank feature to help you determine if a website is relevant. There is a word find feature to help you find your information on the web page.

The Google Toolbar is fully customizable. You are able to choose which buttons you want displayed on your toolbar. Thus, you can easily adapt it to flow with your web surfing needs. The download is free and the installation is simple.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Business Domain Names For Sale

Tip! Double check your domain names for odd or unintentional meanings. This one is a bit mixed, because if your dmain name turns out to be something quite funny, it might be just that much more memorable and bring you free traffic.

The Internet has become the biggest business hub. Business entrepreneurs always aim to turn their web venture into profitable and successful ones. Suitable domain names can make their dream come true. If any business wants to thrive on the Internet, it has to have a distinctive domain name. A strong web presence has become mandatory for all businesses to create impression among their potential buyers. Appropriate domain names will help customers identify the businesses in a most convenient fashion.

How I Sell My Domain Names. Learn To Find Buyers For Your Domain Names. Earn Cash Doing It.

Businesses intend to disseminate information about their products and service through their websites. So, the domain names must feature in the prominent search engine listings with better rankings. Some domain registration companies offer exquisite domain names for businesses with superb search engine rankings. If you are serious about making it big on the web, it's advisable to go for those business domain names. Businesses of late are feeling the urgency to grab the best domain names to get the upper hand. None wants to give his or her rivals an undue advantage when it comes to expanding business on the Internet. Thanks to business domain names, your potential customers get to your business quickly. Not only that they will admire your business intelligence.

Tip! ) Use Keyword rich domain names - Assemble a list of action keywords that can serve as a dmain name or use a combination of keywords (example:

If you want to realize the full potential of a dominant medium like the Internet, you need to have the power of some outstanding business domain names. Those domain names will offer you exemplary mileage and exposure that you have looking for. Irrespective of the magnitude of your business, if you want to make your presence felt to a widespread audience, you need to have great business domain names. Opting for business domain names is the most professional way to interact with the prospective clients. This is the most viable way to promote one's products and services to an international audience.

Domain Names For Sale provides detailed information on Domain Names For Sale, Business Domain Names For Sale, Cheap Domain Names For Sale, Top Level Domain Names For Sale and more. Domain Names For Sale is affiliated with Free Domain Name Searches.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Seven Costly Mistakes Businesses Make When Buying Telephone Equipment

History 1911 � American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquire the Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks in the company covertly and the two eventually merged.

Companies have spent BIG dollars for the telephone equipment that some vendor wanted to sell them - not necessarily for what they wanted or needed.

If you are in the market now or will be soon to update your telephone equipment this report may contain answers to the questions you need to know before you make that capital expenditure. Armed with this knowledge you might just save thousands of dollars.

History 1874 � Principal of the telephone was uncovered.

Paying Too Little or Too Much

To start with, what should a new telephone system cost? In general, you should plan on spending somewhere between $450.00 and $850.00 per station installed. If you spend less than that, you're probably buying something that you don't want. Cheap never lasts. The pleasure of low price is often long forgotten after the pain of poor quality hangs on for many years. If the price is higher, you are probably buying something you don't need.

History 1876 � Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, beating Elisha Gray by a matter of hours.

These numbers do not include specialty add on items like caller I.D., paging or voice mail. Those would increase the price. But this should give you an idea of what you'll be spending. If you think you're going to buy an 8 phone system for under $2,000.00 don't fool yourself. If you find someone to sell it to you, I guarantee you won't be happy because you'll have bought an inexpensive, cheap problem waiting to happen.

History 1955 � Saw the beginning of the laying of transatlantic telephone cables.

All too often the customer will say " I need 3 lines and 8 phones and the vendor is more than happy to provide a bid of just that. Some will even go to the length to fax you your proposal. Why do they work soooooo… hard?

If you're in the manufacturing business or accounting business you probably know that business very well but how much can you know about telephones? It's a shame that a business is sold what they asked for when that really isn't necessarily what they need.

History 1936 � Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

So how do you figure out what you need?

First and most simply … How many telephones will you need? Start with a floor plan of you facility. It can be a simple sketch of the rooms. Don't have one? Some businesses have a fire escape plan, which is a good place to start, and it will serve for this purpose as well. Or you could just draw that sketch. It doesn't need to be anything fancy. Just something that shows the different rooms and the basic structure of your facility. Now mark the location of each phone you will need so you can get an accurate count of the number of telephones. Don't forget things like faxes, modems and credit card terminals. These could be noted by marking an "F" for fax, "CC" for credit card terminal or an "M" for modem.

History 1918 � It was estimated that approximately ten million Bell system telephones were in service throughout the U.S.

Now you know you need "X" number of telephones and "Y" number of peripheral devises (those faxes etc.).

The next step is to figure out what type of telephones you want to have at each location. To be candid, there are as many different types of telephones as there are type of cars. So how do you get a handle on which type of telephones you need at each location? You need to identify what the job of the telephone is at that spot.

"Some basic information on which to base your decision. "

History 1946 � Worlds first commercial mobile phone service put into operation. It could link moving vehicles to a telephone network via radio waves.

Does the phone need to show each line on it; or can you get by with one button with all the lines located under it? This depends on if you need to be able to go to a phone other than the one that was answered to see the lines and take a call off hold.

Speaker telephone (this might be used by someone who would review large or several papers while on the phone to keep their hands free. Another use may be for a conference room where multiple people might need to listen or talk as a group.

History 1877 � The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. It stretched a distance of just three miles.

Does the person use the telephone a lot and need to have a one-touch button on it for other individuals in the office? If so, how many? For example, an officer of the company might need a phone with a button for his / her secretary that would enable them to see if that staff member was on the line. It would also allow for one touch access to call that individual. A receptionist would need to have buttons for all the other people so they could transfer calls with the touch of one button. This might be in the form of a console with many buttons on it, or a manager or executive secretary might need a smaller version of the console with a few extra buttons for a smaller group of personnel.

History 1900 � First coin operated telephone installed in Hartford, Connecticut.

Is there a phone in a break or storage room where you want a way to communicate but that won't be used a lot? This could be a less expensive type of telephone. Do you need to have a courtesy phone in a lobby or counter area for customers to use?

How many telephone lines (telephone numbers) does your business need? How many outside telephone calls do you want to have going on at once? It's been proven that many businesses are over lined. If you have 10 telephone lines and really only need 9 that could be costing your company as much as an extra $400.00 a year. This is an area that you should discuss at length with a prospective telephone vendor. One time I was designing a telephone system for a doctor and she told me she wanted to have five phone lines for her new start up business. When I asked her how many people she was starting with she told me three. "How can three people answer five phone lines?" I asked. And that didn't account for anyone being with patients. I informed her that if she had too many lines no one would ever call in and say, "Doctor Smith, you know when I call in I never have any trouble getting through." People expect their call to be answered. In other words if she was over lined she would never know. She would just pay too much month after month. However, on the other hand if she didn't have enough lines, people would complain about her lines always being busy and she could simply add more lines as needed.

History 1888 � Common battery system developed by Hammond V. Hayes, allows one central battery to power all telephones on an exchange, rather than relying on each units own battery.

Typically, if I were designing lines for a new business the ratio is one line for every two or three people. Ten people; five lines. Twenty people; ten lines. However, that isn't always the case. In a factory, most people will be in the shop and not need to use the phone. But in a telemarketing firm almost everyone need to have a line. You can't afford to have staff sitting around waiting to use the phone. But these are the exception, not the rule.

Price vs. Cost

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Often a business will use the bottom line price to make the final decision. This could be a costly mistake. Let's be realistic. If price is the ultimate deciding fact, we'd all be driving cheap, unreliable, unsafe cars. But you and I know, there are a lot of fine luxury automobiles sold in this country. And there is a good reason why.

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We are all very aware of the massive amount of information we're bombarded with about the importance of taking care of our hearts. So if you found out you needed to get a pacemaker, would you go out looking for the cheapest one you could find? Of course not. You would want the best doctor and the best pacemaker money could buy.

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Your business telephone system is the heart of your business communication to YOUR customers. Don't you value them as much as you do your health? OK, almost as much. Remember your telephone is the heart of your business.

There was a small city government that was looking at two different telephone systems. One was a cheap system, the other a more expensive more reliable system. Of course the reliable system was almost twice the price of the other cheaper system. When the customer asked if the vendor offering the cheaper system could offer a 5-year warranty like the more expensive system she was told that his cheaper system would probably have to be replaced in five years. So the longer warranty was out of the question. Now can you see that the higher priced system is actually less costly because it would last much longer?

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"Could you be missing an important part of the equation?"

There is another part of the telephone equation that most equipment vendors will never even address. The network side. Let me explain. Lets say your looking at a telephone system that has 8 telephones. Earlier you heard me say you can expect your telephone equipment to cost you somewhere between $450.00 and $850.00 per station. If you have an 8-phone system that's a bottom end figure of about $3600.00 and a top end figure of about $6000.00. That's pretty much a given. Well if your business has 4 telephone lines you probably spend about $30 to $35 per line or $140.00 in reoccurring monthly charges on your telephone bill. If you have long distance bill of say $125.00 per month that's a total reoccurring monthly bill of $265.00 or $3,180.00 per year. If you think you will keep you telephone system 10 years, okay let's be conservative and say 5 years or 60 months, that means you have a network cost of $15,900.00.

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Don't you think that the network side of your equation at least deserves a look? Wouldn't it be a good idea to see if there is anything that can be done there to reduce some of the monthly reoccurring expense? Many vendors won't even look at this side of the equation.

"Company gets sued because of their telephone system"

How could it happen? Isn't it almost always true that if something could happen, wouldn't it happen at the most inopportune time?

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A delivery truck looses control and crashes into your building. Thankfully no one is hurt but the impact does two things. The point of impact causes your power to go off and in the excitement of the loud crash a customer in you building collapses. You pick up your telephone to dial 911 to get emergency help and guess what, your phone doesn't work. If you lose critical time this could result in a liability position for your company.

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You see, at your house the telephones are powered by the phone cord plugged into the jack. But on a telephone system you basically have a computer device that runs the individual telephones and without electricity your telephones won't work. Therefore, isn't it critical to have battery back-up on that system? Battery back-up is a way to keep your phones running even when you don't have electrical power. This is often an overlooked part of a telephone proposal.

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OK, my story is a little stretch. So let me ask a more realistic question. If your power goes off and a customer calls your business what do they hear? Nine out of ten people asked that question say; " The customer hears a busy signal." Well, that does sound like a logical answer but losing power to your telephone system is the equivalent of unplugging all you phones at home and then having some one call you. What would they hear? … That's right unending ringing. It would appear to them your business is closed. What if they then called one of your competitors and made a purchase from them? You could lose that customer for life. Can you afford to lose even one revenue call due to a short power outage?

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Caution: The Trunker

There is yet another area that can be hazardous to your telecommunication health. The one-man shop or trunker. There are telephone equipment sales companies that are run totally by one person. That's right, one person who sells and installs telephone systems. Some of these guys drive up in their car and operate out of the trunk, thus the term trunker. Their overhead is lower because it's just them. If you purchase a bargain telephone system from a company that is run by an individual like this, what is your service like if something happens to him. What if he goes on vacation and you need immediate attention? What if he's installing a new system for someone else and your system goes down? It's mind boggling that a business would risk their communications to purchase a telephone system from one person. Oh you might save a little on the front side, but the loss you could have down the road far out way the few pennies you kept. You need the assurance that your service needs will be met if something happens to your telephones.

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Comparing Apples to Oranges

Once you have all your bids in, how do you decipher what is what? There are only a few things that will relate across from one system to the next. The number of phones and lines is an easy one. You need to be careful about the types of phones and what they do. The only other thing that at a glance makes comparing easy is price and we've already discussed the draw back to using that as a major factor. One suggestion is to take your proposals; cover the prices up on them and then copy them and let a vendor or two that you trust tell you what the differences are in the bill of material. A way to eliminate this problem is to hire a consultant to draw up a request for proposal. Usually for a percentage of the purchase price a set of standards can be drawn up so all the vendors are quoting apples or oranges not both. This fee can be somewhere between 5 and 10% of the awarded bid price. But this can be money well spent if it keeps you from making a costly mistake in the purchase of equipment you will have to use for years.

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As you can see there are many areas to examine when getting ready to purchase a telephone system for your office. Can you afford to over look any of them? As a matter of fact, you should actually go through what is called a telephone interview with a potential telephone equipment vendor. Spend time having all your questions answered so you understand exactly what it is you need and so will your prospective vendors.

© Bower Income and Profit Systems MMIII All Rights Reserved.

James A. Bower is the Co-Founder and President of Bower Income and Profit Systems a company dedicated to enhancing business performance in many areas through tapes books and seminars. His presentations include sales, marketing, telephone skills, motivation, goal setting and achievement, telephone equipment and voice mail design and business organization for efficiency. He is an internationally recognized instructor and is the recipient of many awards in recognition of his successful efforts in assisting businesses create a more efficient environment resulting in maximum profits. He has had the opportunity to speak for groups as a large as 5000 and can get his points across to any size audience.

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James has been actively addressing business issues and solving business problems for over 30 years. He is available to make presentations to company staff or for individual consultation.

Contact James at 316-773-1994 or

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Net Telephone Services In Trouble - 911 FCC Rules Upheld

History 1936 � Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

Net telephone service providers are facing a huge problem. A court has upheld FCC regulations requiring the voice over internet protocol providers to provide 911 services.

911 Rules

As you know, traditional telephone companies provide 911 call services to customers. Under long established laws, the traditional telephone companies are required to automatically route such calls to a geographically appropriate area and deliver the originating phone number and address of the call. Net telephone services haven't done this in the past as the technical reading of the regulations didn't require them to. Now the regulations do and it is causing problems.

History 1877 � The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. It stretched a distance of just three miles.

VOIP net telephone services are having severe difficulty complying with the FCC regulations. The calls are not routed through a traditional telephone line structure, which makes it very hard to determine the original calling number and address. On top of this, it is extraordinarily difficult to route the calls to the appropriate geographic emergency phone call center. Throw in politics and you have a boondoggle in the making.

History 1874 � Principal of the telephone was uncovered.

911 In A Digital Age

In many cases, government agencies fail to appreciate the complexities of the Internet and digital technology. They have a habit of issuing rules and regulations that are either antiquated or impossible to implement. The FCC and FTC are famous for doing so, particularly since the agencies seem to have the technical sophistication of dinosaur. On the issue of 911 rules for net telephone services, however, the FCC has acted appropriately.

History 1876 � Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, beating Elisha Gray by a matter of hours.

911 is a critical service that must be made available to the public. It performs a service that is both needed and necessary. As the net telephone services seek bigger shares of the commercial market, they must also assume larger responsibility for the services they provide. This is particularly true for 911 services.

History 1955 � Saw the beginning of the laying of transatlantic telephone cables.

911 emergency call centers help save lives. In health risk situations, time is almost always a critical component in the outcome. Given as much, the FCC has acted appropriately in requiring net telephone services to provide 911 services to customers.

Richard A. Chapo is a San Diego business lawyer with - a San Diego business law firm in San Diego, California.

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Friday, January 19, 2007

Satellite Telephone - What Is It?

History 1877
The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. It stretched a distance of just three miles.

A Scottish born American inventor Alexander Graham Bell -1847-1922 A.D. - invented the telephone in the year 1876. The telephone underwent many more innovations and today we see a bewildering variety, in very many sizes and shapes flooding the markets. There has been a giant leap in the telecommunications area and today it is possible to send voice, data, pictures, video, stills etc to distant lands at unimaginable speeds in analog and digital formats. Such information can also be transmitted through fibreoptic cable in the form of light waves. Also it is possible to send such information in the form of radio-waves.

History 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone, beating Elisha Gray by a matter of hours.

A Satellite phone therefore is a distinctive instrument, which has been devised to enable voice and other data transmission possible through a satellite; in the form of radio waves! There are very many variations of landline telephones and even more variations in cellular phones. Then, what is the need for satellite phone?

The clarity in landline if the voice or data is sent in the analog format, is susceptible to noise interferences. Cell phones depend on cell towers and cell exchanges. If you have to talk to someone 1000 kilometers away in all probability you may have to cross many cells to reach the receiver. Again, if the receiver happens to be in the so-called ‘fringe areas', the reception may not be to your satisfaction.

History 1946 Worlds first commercial mobile phone service put into operation. It could link moving vehicles to a telephone network via radio waves.

Since satellite telephones do not need the existence of cell-towers or cell sites, they go out of the ambit of any geographical dependency and, therefore, it becomes possible to have a dependable and regular communication. They can be used from any place on the globe. Governments and Militaries of many countries are using satellite phones for many years. Only over the last couple of years, satellite phone are being used for commercial and personal use. They can be very handy if you go into a very remote area - a desert or a jungle.

History 1874 Principal of the telephone was uncovered.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Meridian Phone Madness: How to Identify Your Meridian Telephone

History 1911 � American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquire the Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks in the company covertly and the two eventually merged.

Meridian means many things to many people. When people tell me they have a Meridian phone, they feel like they have fully identified their product and that our discussion can spring forward from there. Not so.

Unfortunately, Nortel and Northern Telecom used 'Meridian' across much of their product line. If you have a Northern Telecom or Nortel phone system in your office, it may say Meridian on it. You still need to figure out what the real model number is as well as what system it is running on.

History 1936 � Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

Nortel Networks, Nortel and Northern Telecom have made Central Office phone switches that provide phone lines, Centrex, T-1's, and PRI's. They also make Norstar and Meridian phone systems for business offices.

Identifying your phone is the first thing you need to when you want to expand your system or replace a bad phone.

History 1900 � First coin operated telephone installed in Hartford, Connecticut.

Look at the bottom of the telephone for a model number such as M7324, M7310, M7208, M7100, T7316, T7316e or T7100. Any of these identify it as part of a Norstar phone system.

Meridian, Option One and SL-1 PBX's have phones such as M2008, M2616D, M3901, M3902, M3903, M3904 and M3905. Nortel and Aastra also have Meridian phones. Some of these are M5316, M5208, M5008, M5312, M5216, M5212, M5209, M5112, M5009, M9417CW, M9316CW, M9110, M9116, M9120, M8004, M8009, and M8314.

If you don't find model number, look for the part #. It will almost always begin with NT for Nortel or Northern Telecom or an A if it's Aastra. This is followed by several more alphanumeric characters.

History 1946 � Worlds first commercial mobile phone service put into operation. It could link moving vehicles to a telephone network via radio waves.

Remember, Meridian labelled phones may be on a Norstar system, a Meridian PBX or as part of your Centrex.

I hope this helps you identify your Meridian phone.

Bob Mrozinski

Owner of Applied Voice and Data, a broker of refurbished and new business phone system equipment from many manufacturers. Bob's eighteen years in the phone industry are mostly on the sales side. By visiting with customers in person and on the phone for so long, he has acquired a knack for honing in on what a customer really needs to make real world applications work.

History 1877 � The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. It stretched a distance of just three miles.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Samsung SGH-x427m Portable Digital Telephone

History 1946 � Worlds first commercial mobile phone service put into operation. It could link moving vehicles to a telephone network via radio waves.

Switching cell phone providers allows consumers the opportunity to purchase [or get for free after rebates] a new phone periodically. I recently made the switch and was given the usual list of phones to choose from. Being the thrifty guy that I am, I chose the one that had the least cost to me once rebates were factored in. No, I did not get the plain jane freebie model, rather I snagged Samsung's SGH-x427m phone. Let's take a look at this unit and see how it stacks up.

History 1936 � Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

When I showed the Samsung phone to a friend, he asked me if it was a camera phone. Nope. However, it does have multi media messaging capabilities unlike its companion model the SGH-x427. The phone's main features include 40 ring tones, a calendar, a 500 name phone book, a to-do list, a memo pad, and a wireless Web browser. Most cell phones boast a speakerphone, which the Samsung curiously does not have. The screen is bright and colorful and the buttons are easy to access.

The SGH-x427m weighs a paltry 2 1/2 ounces. It is a flip phone housed in a tiny, but attractive gray case. This particular model was made for Cingular, a similar model was made for AT&T, and the cost of the phone retails for around $100-120. With rebates your outlay should be minimal if not free. Of course, that means signing up for the two year plan with Cingular.

History 1888 � Common battery system developed by Hammond V. Hayes, allows one central battery to power all telephones on an exchange, rather than relying on each units own battery.

Reception has been good with few dropped calls. I haven't experienced much static, but then again all my calls have been in the vicinity of a metropolitan area.

For the features that this phone offers, the price, the cell phone plan and for battery life -- which is good -- I give this phone a 3-star rating. It isn't the plain jane freebie model, nor is it the top of the line can-do-everything model. Consumers interested in something better will want to shop elsewhere.

History 1874 � Principal of the telephone was uncovered.

When Matt isn't doing product reviews he runs the Aviation Employment Board at and the Corporate Flight Attendant Community at and

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Telephone - Caller ID Any Good?

History 1877 � The very first permanent outdoor telephone wire was completed. It stretched a distance of just three miles.

In this article we're going to discuss the pros and cons of a fairly new invention in relation to how long the telephone itself has been around, caller ID.

The first thing, for those who may not know exactly what caller ID is and how it works, is to give a brief explanation of caller ID.

History 1874 � Principal of the telephone was uncovered.

To trace caller ID's history you have to go back to the 1980s. During this time, state public utility commissions from all over the country were trying to agree whether or not to approve telephone company requests for Caller Number ID service (CNID) which had come from the ever increasing annoyances of telemarketing and prank calls. At the time Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) brought up some concerns that were published in their news letters and newspapers printed around the country. Because of these concerns, Public Utility Commissions (PUC) decided that they better get involved in the proceedings that were taking place across the country.

The decisions of each state varied. Some agreed with the CPSR analysis that not having the ability to block one's number from being identified led to right to privacy issues that we are still battling today. In California they actually requested that CNID would not be allowed in their state. The commission however decided to allow it with the provision that the number would only be visible if the person making the call gave permission for this to be done. By default, no numbers would be shown, which effectively made caller ID in California pretty useless. Because of this restriction, telephone companies in California decided not to offer caller ID at all. Meanwhile, in Oregon, certain privacy concessions were made so that the caller ID service was approved.

History 1911 � American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquire the Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks in the company covertly and the two eventually merged.

Because of the problems that they faced in many states, telephone companies petitioned the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to issue rules on CNID that would apply nationwide. What this ended up doing was just making things worse. The FCC decided to make number blocking the default nation wide, which actually overruled many of the individual state's decisions. Many of the states appealed but the FCC denied all their appeals. This cleared the way for telephone companies to offer CNID with weak privacy protections nationwide. That is what we have today.

History 1955 � Saw the beginning of the laying of transatlantic telephone cables.

But what good is caller ID anyway? Most numbers that call us we probably won't recognize anyway unless they are close friends. What if a company we actually do business with tries to call us? We may not recognize the number. Do we answer the phone or not? The truth is, and many people believe this, answering machines do a better job of screening calls than caller ID. The machine actually answers the call and then if it's important the caller will leave a message and a phone number so we can get back to them.

History 1936 � Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

The bigger problem with caller ID is that this allows businesses to collect phone numbers for marketing purposes, which brings up the privacy concerns again.

Whatever side of the fence you're on, caller ID will certainly be a greatly debated topic for many years to come.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Telephones

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Cell Phone Magic - A Leap From The Radio Telephone

History 1946 � Worlds first commercial mobile phone service put into operation. It could link moving vehicles to a telephone network via radio waves.

My introduction to the grand daddy of cell phones was while I was working as a Forest Fire Lookout man, in the early 1980s. One of my colleagues worked on a lookout tower, in radio range of a radio telephone repeater tower. So he could use a radio telephone, and free up more of the Forest Service frequency that I used. His radio telephone was about the size of a lap top. Cell phones are really down-sized radio telephones.

The advantage cell phones have today, over the old Radio telephone, is that they are much smaller and easier to use than the old radio telephones. Cell phones use very little battery power compared, to a radio telephone. This fact has helped the cell phone designers reduce their size to that of an object that can fit in your pocket.

History 1911 � American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquire the Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks in the company covertly and the two eventually merged.

The radio telephone was big and had to have a very powerful radio signal to reach the few radio towers that existed. The radio signal it transmitted had to be powerful enough to reach a tower 40 or 50 miles away.

Cell phones today are much smaller, and easier to use. Both people on a cell phone call can talk at once. Both listen at the same time. When using a radio telephone, only one person can talk at a time, while the other person can only listen. Since there are many cell towers in the system, many more people can use cell phones, than could use the old radio telephones. Radio telephones only had about 25 frequencies, available to use. Today each cell has about 56 voice channels available.

History 1888 � Common battery system developed by Hammond V. Hayes, allows one central battery to power all telephones on an exchange, rather than relying on each units own battery.

The cell phone system is divided into small cells, which allows greater frequency reuse in an area, so that millions of customers can use cell phones at the same time. Today modern cell phones can communicate on 1,664 frequencies or more! Each cell occupies about 10 square miles. There can be 56 people talking on their cell phone at one time within the area of a cell. The cell phone uses a much less powerful radio signal than a radio telephone. The larger number of cell phone towers makes this possible.

History 1936 � Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

Another advantage of using a low power radio signal of 3 watts is that it fades to near nothing past the edge of the cell; so the same frequencies can be reused in the neighbouring cells. As you travel you are switched automatically from the cell tower you are moving away from to the next best located tower in the area you are going toward.

As you travel your cell phone sends out a code signal which identifies itself, you the user, and the service provider. Your cell phone is always communicating with the cell tower and its service provider. This is done to keep track of which cell it is located in, how strong the signal strength is received, and transmitted, and to determine if the cell you are in, is owned by your provider, or another company. A person can travel for hundreds of miles and hold a conversation the entire time using cellular technology.

History 1955 � Saw the beginning of the laying of transatlantic telephone cables.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Cell Phones

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Buying a Business Telephone System

History 1911 � American Telephone and Telegraph (AT & T) acquire the Western Union Telegraph Company in a hostile takeover. They purchased stocks in the company covertly and the two eventually merged.

When buying a new telephone system, it's absolutely vital to go with a major name brand. Would you spend $3,000 on a new big screen TV from a company you never heard of? How about $25,000 on a new car from a no name company? Of course you wouldn't and you shouldn't risk your business on a phone system from a manufacturer you've never heard of either and here's why.......

History 1900 � First coin operated telephone installed in Hartford, Connecticut.


Major brands, like Toshiba, Panasonic and NEC, have rigorous screening processes for dealers. Teleco is New Jersey says "It takes a huge commitment of time and resources to become an authorized dealer." This helps ensure that you'll be buying from a reputable company. There are also many dealers in every state. NEC has over 50 dealers serving NJ alone. This assures you competitive pricing, fast service, and a host of options. Teleco also says "Sometimes it's a disadvantage for us. We often quote against the same system being offered by 3 or even 4 other dealers. That makes price really important. But while it's not great for us sometimes, it's great for the customer."

History 1936 � Research into electronic telephone exchanges began and was eventually perfected in the 1960's with the electronic switching system (SES).

No name brands often have protected territories. That means that your dealer might be the only one for 50 or 100 miles. If you have any problems with your dealer you might find your self with a system that can't be serviced or service that is extremely expensive. This also means that there is a limited supply of certified technicians. The more dealers for a system, the more technicians are qualified to work on it. That will make a big difference 5 or 10 years after your purchase.

History 1918 � It was estimated that approximately ten million Bell system telephones were in service throughout the U.S.


Major brands, like Toshiba and NEC, sell hundreds of telephone systems a week. This allows them to support systems for many, many years. Major brands make new parts for discontinued systems for 5 to 7 years. This means you will always be able to get parts in the future. Remember, a telephone system should last at least 10 years, so you need to be sure you will be able to get support for a long time.


Just about every feature is standard on all telephone systems made today. A few features may require optional equipment, but just about every feature imaginable should be standard or at least available on all telephone systems made today. The most common question I hear is how do I decide what's the right system for my business. The answer is there is no right or wrong system. All telephone systems are designed to work perfectly for a wide range of businesses from doctor's offices to factories to retail stores. The only thing you need to worry about is size. You just need to make sure the system will handle any growth that might occur. Beyond that, just look for a major name brand, a good price, and a vendor your comfotable with.

History 1888 � Common battery system developed by Hammond V. Hayes, allows one central battery to power all telephones on an exchange, rather than relying on each units own battery.

Andrew Taub is an expert in the sale and set up of PBX, Hybrid, and Key business telephone systems. For over 10 years, Andrew has sold various brands and set up complex installations.

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